︎︎︎ Hybrid Assemblies, The Timber Seasoning + ShelterStudio 1, Design for Manufacture, MArch, The Bartlett, UCL
Location: Flimwell Park, United Kingdom
Tutors: Emmanuel Vercruysse, William Victor Camilleri

Studio One’s brief is to develop and design a prototype of timber structure with custom aluminium connection details in Flimwell park. This design project should be an extraordinary thing of beauty and elegance, well-designed, crafted, precise and primarily guided by the production methods and material strategie to lay the foundation for the final project “The Timber Seasoning + Shelter”. This project uses clearly defined instructions and procedures to strengthen and expand forest operations on site.
Sand mould planning and pre-casting fluid analysis ︎︎︎

The component (bridge component) in this project is an adapter element that connects the timber upright and the footpad. This component has a multifunctional connection point, which can be connected to the bracket component supporting the gutter.
In order to respond to the need to be repeatedly produced, the sand casting is adopted in this case as the best suitable method for its character for saving materials and more environmentally friendly than the material removal method. However, the surface of the finished product using sand casting is relatively rough. For the accuracy of the interface, secondary processing is required to provide more accurate dimensions.
Foundry Mold by Pattern Board ︎︎︎

Sand Casting Process ︎︎︎

Secondary Machining Process︎︎︎

Isometric of CNC Machining Strategy (Secondary Machining Process) ︎︎︎

Exploded isometric projection of the foot ︎︎︎

Photo Gallery ︎︎︎