Mailiao Education Park
︎︎︎ Victor Hsu Architect & PartnersProfessional public construction
Location: Yunlin, Taiwan

Due to the presence of the Formosa Petrochemical Corporation’s Sixth Naphtha Cracking Project, the industry of Mailiao township has been transformed from agriculture into industry and agriculture coexist. The population composition in Mailiao also changes, becoming the only town with a growing young population in Yunlin County. Lots of immigration are settled here because of the working opportunities provided by the industrial park in recent years, therefore creating lots of needs of the public facilities in daily life.

Mailiao township office sees the growing needs and decides to hold a public competition of a community centre in a 2.4 hectares area in the centre of Mailiao. The facility includes a library, a living art centre building, an outdoor plaza and theatre for local shows and a landscape for children recreational activities.
Elevation ︎︎︎

Shop Drawings ︎︎︎

Photo Gallery ︎︎︎